The agency began an investigation in 2022, suspecting Google of abusing its dominant market position. According to regulators, the company required app developers to use Google Play Billing, charging significantly higher commissions than competitors. Otherwise, apps could be removed from the store.
During the antitrust commission meeting, it was stated that such a policy reduced developers’ revenues and decreased the number of users. Google is accused of violating Indonesia’s law prohibiting monopolistic practices, as the company controls 93% of the mobile app market in a country with a population of 280 million.
Google charged a commission of up to 30% through its payment system, which regulators consider too high, especially for Indonesia’s developing digital technology market.
The company has already stated that it intends to appeal the court’s decision. A Google spokesperson noted that the current practice promotes healthy competition in the Indonesian app market and that the company is committed to complying with local laws.