lebap region car fleet has been replenished with new cars toyotahttps japan.tmembassy.gov .tm en news 129769 4 THE ASHGABAT TIMES

Lebap region car fleet has been replenished with new cars “Toyota”


The «Lebapawtoulag» Production Association of the «Türkmenawtoulaglary» Agency received 170 28-seater «Toýota Coaster» and «Toýota Hiace» cars made in Japan, as well as 20 13-seater mini-cars.

New passenger cars, characterized by increased comfort, will serve passengers of «Turkmenabat» and guests of the velayat. At the same time, the vehicles will also carry out transportation based on orders received from institutions.

The cars were greeted in accordance with national traditions with the participation of deputies of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan, elders and representatives of public organizations.

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