
The name of the winner of the «Talyp gozeli-2024» competition has been announced

The name of the winner of the «Talyp gozeli-2024» competition has been announced

Traditionally, on the eve of International Women’s Day in Ashgabat, the results of the annual competition «Talyp gözeli» («Student Beauty»), held among female students of higher educational institutions, are summed up. At the final stage, 22 students representing the country’s leading universities competed for the title of recognized beauty.

The bearer of the title «Talyp gözeli-2024» was a third-year student of the Turkmen State University named after Magtymguly Akgozel Yagmyrova.

Representative of the Turkmen State Institute of Finance, student Aygul Altyyeva took 1st place.

2nd  place was awarded to two participants at once – a student of the Turkmen National Institute of World Languages named after Dovletmammed Azady Aygul Allanova and a student of the Turkmen State Institute of Architecture and Construction Gulruh Halmyradova.

Organized by the Ministry of Education, the Youth Organization of Turkmenistan named after Magtymguly and the Central Council of the Women’s Union, the «Talyp Gözeli» competition is very popular among active youth. It is very prestigious to become a finalist and enter the top beauties of the country.

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