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The State Energy Institute of Turkmenistan invites to the International Internet Olympiad in the discipline “Theoretical Mechanics”


III Open International Internet Olympiad in the discipline “Theoretical Mechanics”

The State Energy Institute of Turkmenistan from 6 to 11 May, 2024 conducts the III Open International Internet Olympiad in the discipline “Theoretical Mechanics” among the students of the higher educational institutions of Turkmenistan and abroad, and invites all the interested students to participate.

III Open International Internet Olympiad will be held in the form of the Individual and Team Olympiads.

The official languages of the III Open International Internet Olympiad are Turkmen, Russian and English.

The students of any specialty and any year of study can participate in the Olympiad.

No more than 20 (twenty) students from each higher educational institution can participate in the individual form of the Olympiad, and 1 (one) or 2 (two) teams of no more than 5 (five) students can take part in the team form of the Olympiad. The team can also be a combined team, formed from the students of the several higher educational institutions. The tasks of the individual and team Olympiads will be posted in a special section of the institute website https:tdei.edu.tm/baslesik/ on the day of the Olympiads.

The order of the Olympiad:

– the participants of the Individual Olympiad will solve 8 (eight) tasks (including 2 (two) tasks from the “Statics” section, 2 (two) tasks from the “Kinematics” section and 4 (four) tasks from the “Dynamics” section of the discipline “Theoretical Mechanics”). Time to solve problems – 240 minutes;

– the participants in the Team Olympiad will solve 5 (five) tasks from the various sections of the discipline “Theoretical Mechanics”. Time to solve problems

– 60 minutes;

– Olympiad will be monitored through the Google Meet software.

The winners of the Olympiad will be registered in the individual and team forms, and will be determined by the total number of points scored, depending on the level of the correct completion of the tasks.

The number of the winners of the Olympiad will be determined by the percentage of the correctly solved tasks, that is, those who solved correctly more than 50% of the presented problems will be awarded Diplomas of the I degree, those who solved correctly from 30% to 50% of the tasks – Diplomas of the II degree, and those who solved correctly from 15% to 30% of the problems – Diplomas of the III degree.

Contact details:

tel.: +800 522 5-75-02, +993 64681023, +993 64 207444

e-mail: tdei@tdei.edu.tm, energetikatdei@gmail.com, tdei.mechanic@gmail.com


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