
“It’s time to sound the alarm”: Zhana adamdar urges action to protect the Caspian Sea


World Sea Day is celebrated on September 26th. This day has to highlight the critical issues that have arisen from decades of human wastefulness and the exploitative attitude towards our seas.

The Caspian Sea is one of Kazakhstan’s greatest natural assets, and we are losing it! Pollution from industrial activities, particularly mining, is leading to the death of unique fish and animal species, some of which are on the brink of extinction. The Caspian Sea was once home to millions of seals, but today, experts estimate their population to be fewer than 60,000. Every year, 200,000 tons of oil and more than 100 million cubic meters of untreated sewage are discharged into the sea. These pollutants have already transformed the Caspian Sea into a source of infectious diseases.

We are destroying the Caspian Sea, the pride and pearl of our region, with our own hands. We have stopped paying attention to the looming disaster. This issue extends beyond Kazakhstan; responsibility lies with all nations that border the sea. The state of the Caspian Sea demands immediate attention from all five coastal countries. We can no longer ignore the SOS signals nature is sending us.

It’s time to sound the alarm! On World Sea Day, in Astana, near the embassies of the Caspian coastal countries, Zhana adamdar installed 4-meter-high art installations symbolizing the catastrophic state of the sea. Each installation was equipped with a “gong” that could be struck by those who care about preserving the Caspian Sea. Astana residents participated enthusiastically, ringing the alarm bells throughout the day to draw the attention of embassy representatives.

Zhana adamdar calls on the people of Azerbaijan, Iran, Turkmenistan, Russia, and Kazakhstan: We urge you to join forces, for the Caspian Sea is our shared heritage. Politicians, business leaders, large oil corporations, scientists, environmentalists, and ordinary citizens must work together to solve this urgent problem. The sooner, the better.

Leader of Zhana adamdar youth movement Badenova Assel
Press Secretary of Zhana adamdar youth movement Abilov Alpamys

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