Participants in the program will gain hands-on experience in artificial intelligence and machine learning under the mentorship of DeepMind, which develops AI at Google.
In its statement, Google argues that the requirement for a “radical overhaul” of the Play Store and the Android operating system will negatively impact
By 2029, the program will begin launching next-generation network satellites, with the system’s construction expected to be fully completed by 2035. Currently, Beidou already
In the past few days, users have reported that “Spotify Mod” has stopped working, and playlists, saved songs, and streaming capabilities have become unavailable.
This month, UNESCO is launching the first global course dedicated to this issue. More than 9,000 participants from 160 countries have already signed up
The Seyitnazar Seydi Turkmen State Pedagogical Institute will hold the IV Open International Internet Physics Olympiad among students of Turkmen and foreign universities on
However, the project faces serious challenges, including dependence on 5G modem suppliers. Qualcomm, a leader in modems, is likely to refuse to sell its