Teaching is considered one of the oldest professions in the world. It’s importance will never diminish because education and up bringing are permanent values for society. With their help, society develops and improves. Therefore, the role of the teacher in society is high. The teaching profession must meet a number of requirements. These requirements are especially important in the context of scientific and technical progress, which fundamentally changes people’s living conditions. The formation of the personality of a developing person must correspond to the technical requirements of modern machines and the mental capabilities of a person.
A teacher must not only improve their qualifications but also strive for pedagogical goals in their work. This means that their work should be aimed at forming and developing the personality of the student. The more interesting and richer the teacher’s speech, the stronger and more effective their educational impact on students.
Pedagogical mentorship is one of the main ways of professional improvement. In the past, all professions had mentors. They thoroughly taught all those who wanted to learn the profession, both young and old, and demanded the correction of deficiencies in the performance of work. Mentorship is the most important means of pedagogical and psychological improvement of young teachers. The first steps in organizing mentorship were associated with patronage relations in the 60s and acquired a mass character in various sectors of the national economy, public education, and the education system.
The proper organization of the teaching profession, the ability of teachers to work with students of different ages, and methodological excellence are directed and controlled by teachers of pedagogy, psychology, and private methods in higher educational institutions, while in schools this work falls on the shoulders of mentors. Mentorship in educational institutions continues to have a unique impact on the younger generation in professional-labor, technical, creative, scientific-methodological, ideological-moral, managerial, cultural-educational, social, and leisure areas.
Nurmuhammet GAJYMOW
English teacher at the Beki Seitakov Pedagogical School in Dashoguz Velayat