Units of measurement are recreated where they are measured, or information about them is provided from their centralized storage location. Accordingly, information is divided into centralized and combined parts. An example of the combined part of centralization can be the re-measurement of the unit of area of 1m². The recreation of the centralized part of the units is carried out with the help of specialized technical means called standards. A standard is a technical device that is most precisely calibrated and specially certified to transmit information about the dimensions of measuring instruments or to ensure the storage and recreation of units.
Standards that recreate units with the highest accuracy in our country are called primary standards. Standards that ensure the recreation of units under special conditions and replace the primary standard in these conditions are called specialized standards. The primary or specialized standards specially approved for our country are called State Standards. The main units in the International System include seven: second, meter, kilogram, kelvin, candela, ampere, and mole.
Aýgül Ýagşymyradowa
Teacher at Turkmen Agricultural University named after S.A. Niyazov