UNDP Turkmenistan Supports Series of Workshops with Ombudsperson on Implementation of the Paris Principles


1 November 2024, Ashgabat – A series of workshops on the principles of collaboration between national human rights institutions, government agencies, and public organizations, as well as on the legal mandate of the Ombudsperson in line with the UN Paris Principles, concluded today in Ashgabat. These workshops had previously been held across the Dashoguz, Mary, Lebap, and Balkan velayats.

The seminars were conducted as part of the joint project between the Ombudsperson’s Office and UNDP in Turkmenistan, titled “Strengthening the Institutional Capacity of the Ombudsperson’s Office.” Participants included representatives from regional branches of military and law enforcement agencies, relevant ministries, regional khyakimliks, boards of lawyers, youth, and women’s organizations, as well as the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan.

The workshop program featured presentations on the legal and practical aspects of the Ombudsperson’s Office’s engagement with governmental and public bodies, the UN Paris Principles on the status of national institutions for human rights promotion and protection, and the collaborative efforts between UNDP Turkmenistan and the Ombudsperson’s Office. Key topics included the Ombudsperson’s 2023 Report and the implementation of recommendations by the Asia Pacific Forum (APF) following the Capacity Assessment of the Ombudsperson’s Office in 2022 and focusing on the implementation of the multi-year Strategic Plan of the Ombudsperson`s Office for 2024-2028.

The workshops provided an important platform for deepening participants’ understanding of human rights and the principles governing their protection, as well as the evolving role of the Ombudsperson’s Office since its inception.

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