Many mammals, as well as some bird species, can experience anxiety. This happens in a way quite similar to humans. Scientists have found that the amygdala is also responsible for processing emotions in animals.
Animal behavior experts and veterinarians say that animals can indeed suffer from mental disorders. However, these may manifest differently than in humans. For example, generalized anxiety disorder in animals is diagnosed only by external signs. These include trembling, rapid breathing, and destructive behavior.
Schizophrenia, for instance, is unique to humans. Animals do not have this disease. They also do not experience phenomena such as existential dread, social insecurity, or deep clinical depression associated with long-term planning.
Mental disorders in animals can manifest in various ways. These can include obsessive movements, aimless running around, licking fur to the point of baldness, aggression towards objects or other animals, and trembling. Traumatic events can also lead to post-traumatic stress disorder in animals.