Unfortunately, relying solely on drinking carbonated water as a way to lose weight is not advisable. This is because its effect is too small. Additionally, the long-term consequences of consuming large amounts of such water are still unknown.
Carbonated water “satiates,” speeds up digestion, and lowers blood glucose levels. However, it is not yet clear how it lowers blood sugar levels or how it can help control weight.
Also, drinking carbonated water can negatively affect the digestive system. This is especially true for people with sensitive stomachs or existing gastrointestinal diseases. They may experience bloating, gas, and (in some cases) exacerbation of symptoms related to digestive disorders (irritable bowel syndrome, gastroesophageal reflux disease). Therefore, it is important to drink carbonated water in moderation.
News materials should not be equated with a doctor’s prescription. Consult a specialist before making a decision.