Choosing between breakfast foods depends on your taste preferences and goals. If you’re looking for high-quality protein to maintain muscle mass, eat eggs. Oatmeal, on the other hand, is a great breakfast option with a lot of fiber. It helps lower cholesterol levels.
Both eggs and oatmeal are also rich in vitamins and minerals. If you are not allergic to these foods and do not follow a diet that excludes such foods, you can enjoy both dishes.
For weight loss, both oatmeal and eggs will keep you full. For muscle mass gain, eggs are more suitable.
Oats are not recommended for those following a low-carb or keto diet. However, for people with diabetes, oats will be beneficial, as well as for anyone looking for fiber-rich nutritious carbohydrates.
News materials should not be equated with a doctor’s prescription. Consult a specialist before making a decision.