cifrovaya ekonomika1 THE ASHGABAT TIMES

Transition to a Digital System


By the initiative of the National Leader of the Turkmen people and through the tireless efforts of our esteemed President, innovative technologies and digital solutions have been implemented in the city of Arkadag, built at the foot of the Kopetdag mountains. These technologies enable the creation of a “smart” city and “smart” home system, allowing these services to be managed remotely and enhancing their cybersecurity.

The favorable geographical location of our country and its resource potential are considered conditions that positively influence the development of regional and interregional economic cooperation. In this regard, the introduction of modern technologies in the fuel and energy complex, and the conduct of 3D and 2D surveys in oil and gas fields open new opportunities for further diversification of the oil and gas sector. Possessing vast reserves of hydrocarbon resources, Turkmenistan, under the leadership of our esteemed President, consistently implements a comprehensive strategy aimed at the innovative development of the fuel and energy complex.

Technical and technological modernization is also a key direction of reforms in our country’s agricultural sector. The use of digital systems in agricultural production, in accordance with international experience, the demands of the time, and national characteristics, opens up broad opportunities for the development of small and medium-sized businesses.

The trade sector also plays an important role in the transition to a digital system. By the initiative of the head of state, comprehensive measures are being implemented in our country to develop e-commerce and enhance the competitiveness of local producers. As in other sectors of the economy, an effective legal framework is being created and continuously improved in this area, taking into account the introduction of digital technologies, the formation of a digital ecosystem, and an innovative business model.

Ogulbeg HANOWA
Teacher at the Turkmen Agricultural
University named after S.A. Niyazov

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